MormonVoices is a federation of organizations united in our efforts to build and defend the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. As an umbrella organization, MormonVoices coordinates fund raising efforts for the gathering and promulgation of scholarly, trustworthy, and faith-building information.

Who is MormonVoices?

Book of Mormon Central

Book of Mormon Central is designed and built by people who love, treasure, ponder, research, apply, and believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. This website exists to inform, explain, invite, engage, inspire, and encourage greater knowledge and appreciation of every aspect of the Book of Mormon.

Their mission is to help readers gather information about the Book of Mormon, to know why that information is significant, and to see how the teachings of the Book of Mormon can be put to work in the world today to advance personal, family, social, and international goodness, justice, and faith.


FairMormon is dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of LDS doctrine, belief and practice. FairMormon is staffed by volunteers who are students of the scriptures, ancient languages, early Christian history, early LDS history, and LDS doctrine and apologetics. Most volunteers have been involved in online services and Internet-based LDS apologetics for many years. Many of our members are authors of currently-available apologetic publications.

Visit FairMormon to find answers in the world’s largest database of faithful answers to critical questions, to learn about upcoming conferences and read and watch past conferences, to ask a question, or to visit our bookstore.

The Interpreter Foundation

The Interpreter Foundation is focused on the scriptures of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, early LDS history, and related subjects. All publications in its journal, Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture, are peer-reviewed. Other posts on the website are not necessarily peer-reviewed, but are approved by Interpreter’s Executive Board.

Our goal is to increase understanding of scripture through careful scholarly investigation and analysis of the insights provided by a wide range of ancillary disciplines, including language, history, archaeology, literature, culture, ethnohistory, art, geography, law, politics, philosophy, statistics, etc. We hope to illuminate, by study and faith, the eternal spiritual message of the scriptures—that Jesus is the Christ.

“Obey the counsel of the Apostle Peter, who urged, ‘Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.’ Lift up your voices and testify to the true nature of the Godhead. Declare your witness concerning the Book of Mormon. Convey the glorious and beautiful truths contained in the plan of salvation.” –President Thomas S. Monson
© 2018 MormonVoices